Medical treatment and genetics explain only a small percentage of the factors that drive health outcomes. The health status of community members can largely be linked to social determinants of health that include health-related behaviors, social and economic conditions, and the physical environment in which we live, work and play.

The Community Health Indicators page focuses on understanding differences in the social determinants throughout communities in the Inland Northwest. Improvements in population health depend on working upstream to promote healthy living and reduce health risks and disparities. Simply stated, addressing issues such as smoking, healthy eating, social isolation, financial security, and recreational opportunities can be excellent health promotion strategies that reduce costs and strengthen communities. To create a report for your community, visit the Community Assessment Tool.

Community Health Indicator Reports include 20 measures of population health for a range of health outcomes:

1. Social and Economic Factors
Early Childhood Education
Reading Proficiency
High School Graduation
High School Transitions
Social Support
2. Neighborhoods and Communities
Housing Affordability
Child Care Availability
Parks and Recreation
3. Clinical Care
Health Care Access
Provider Availability
Screening and Prevention
Insurance Coverage
Primary Care Utilization
4. Health Behaviors
Alcohol Consumption
Smoking and Tobacco Use
Food Insecurity and Hunger
Substance Use
Physical Activity and Obesity
5. Health Outcomes
Chronic Health Conditions
Mortality and Premature Death
Infant Health
Oral Health
Sexual Health
Mental Health
6. Demographic Profile
Age Groups
Household Composition
Veteran Populations